Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Plans

Today marks our third day here in Sapporo. As early as now, I have to set up my plans so that everything can be in order in my head. There is no guarantee as to its effect but it's worth a try.

1. Learn Japanese

a. Target Time: Level 1/Beginner level, 2 months
b. Method: Self Study, Talk with family often, Register with some classes

2. Prepare for our own place in Sapporo --- Got it! ^^

a. Target Time: Before the start of my hubby's work
b. Method: Follow/Support hubby

3. Look for Work

a. Target Time: 3 months
b. Method: Internet, printed stuff

4. Look for a Church --- Found it!!! ^^

a. Target Time: 1 month
b. Method: Internet

5. Maintain a Prayerful Attitude

a. Target Time: Everyday, everytime

I've become a certified resident here in Japan today...yehey!

We ate this ice cream today. It tasted like tea. ^^

My Japan Residency Card

Hiro, my father-in-law and I went to Sapporo City Hall today and we had all my documentations done. They also registered our address and now my residence card has an address at the back. In addition, they have registered me and my husband for an insurance. Now, we can avail of many services in Japan including hospitalization.

I still have to learn Japanese so that I can speak with my new family fluently.