Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sapporo Christian Group

It's Sunday today. I woke up earlier than usual and prepared myself for church. Before I left, I cooked omurice for Hiro. The weather was nice this morning. It rained all through the night 'til this morning. The ground was still wet and there was a cool breeze, making me feel more excited to hear God's Word for me today.

When I arrived at church, I was greeted by the members and pastors. They all smiled and welcomed me so warmly. I felt comfortable. There were little children running around wearing "yukata", these are clothes worn by the Japanese people in summer, they looked so cute. I was just in time for the start of the service. There were no chairs in the center of the room. Everyone stood in the spot they preferred. As for me, I chose to stay near the walls. I didn't want to make my spotlight bigger than it was. Before the worship team started to play their instruments, the members of the church, including the children, got some tambourines that were just lying on the floor. Those tambourines brought me back some good memories.

At Jesus Our Hope International Assemblies, I was a tambourine dancer. I already forgot how long I played but it was a very good experience and I felt so blessed worshiping the Lord in the front lines. Why did I quit anyway? What was my reason? Hmmmm... Well, whatever it was, I'm sure it was not a good enough reason to leave the team.

Back to the worship time was just wonderful. I didn't understand the words in the songs because they were in Japanese, but they were familiar. I always loved that 30-minute to an hour of praise and worship. It was the same today too.

The sermon was delivered by Pastor Yumiko Okada in English and her husband Pastor Yoshihiro Okada translated it in Japanese. The topic for today was "Resist the Devil". This may sound so easy, but I believe that it IS easy to resist the devil. Today's message was summed up in 3 points.

(1) Jesus recognized and dealt with the devil QUICKLY.

(2) Jesus spoke with the written Word of God.

(3) Jesus spoke/commanded DIRECTLY to the devil.

At this point, I was reminded of a video clip I saw once where in one Christian lady bravely rebuked a robber in a store where she was working. Believe it or not, though the criminal was armed and the lady was old, that man just got stunned and ran out.

Sapporo Christian Group is the name of my church. Here are the details.


Address: Toyohira Kumin Center

How to get there:

Subway (coming from Sapporo Station)
Take the Toho line from Sapporo station and get off at Misono station.The meeting place in an 8 minute walk from Misono station straight down the road.
Take the Nanboku line from Sapporo station and get off at Minami Hiragishi station. It is a 13 minute walk from Minami Hiragishi station. 

from Hiragishi station, take the bus going to Shiroishi(白石) subway station.
From Shiroishi subway station, take a bus going towards Hiragishi station.Then get off at "Toyohira Kuyakusho Mae".

Office E-mail: (Japanese, English & Spanish)

Pastor Yoshihiro & Rumiko Okada 011-813-3558
(from abroad -81-11-813-3558)


Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Beginning

It was not easy to find and select a house to live in for a duration of at least 2 years. Hiro and I had to consider the location, it should be convenient, near the subway station, near to at least one supermarket and it should be in a safe and well lit area, the price, it should be within our budget, the size and several other considerations.

Finally, one day we chose this house. We moved in July 16, 2013. The living room and the 2 other rooms were spacious. We both liked it already the first time we saw it. This place isn't perfect and we're now discovering points in this house that are not satisfactory for us but, so far so good. We are adjusting and I'm sure in no time, we'll learn to appreciate it more.

I thank everybody who supported me in prayer when we moved here. It's such a blessing to have family and friends who will back you up in every endeavor you face.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Plans

Today marks our third day here in Sapporo. As early as now, I have to set up my plans so that everything can be in order in my head. There is no guarantee as to its effect but it's worth a try.

1. Learn Japanese

a. Target Time: Level 1/Beginner level, 2 months
b. Method: Self Study, Talk with family often, Register with some classes

2. Prepare for our own place in Sapporo --- Got it! ^^

a. Target Time: Before the start of my hubby's work
b. Method: Follow/Support hubby

3. Look for Work

a. Target Time: 3 months
b. Method: Internet, printed stuff

4. Look for a Church --- Found it!!! ^^

a. Target Time: 1 month
b. Method: Internet

5. Maintain a Prayerful Attitude

a. Target Time: Everyday, everytime

I've become a certified resident here in Japan today...yehey!

We ate this ice cream today. It tasted like tea. ^^

My Japan Residency Card

Hiro, my father-in-law and I went to Sapporo City Hall today and we had all my documentations done. They also registered our address and now my residence card has an address at the back. In addition, they have registered me and my husband for an insurance. Now, we can avail of many services in Japan including hospitalization.

I still have to learn Japanese so that I can speak with my new family fluently.