Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Beginning

It was not easy to find and select a house to live in for a duration of at least 2 years. Hiro and I had to consider the location, it should be convenient, near the subway station, near to at least one supermarket and it should be in a safe and well lit area, the price, it should be within our budget, the size and several other considerations.

Finally, one day we chose this house. We moved in July 16, 2013. The living room and the 2 other rooms were spacious. We both liked it already the first time we saw it. This place isn't perfect and we're now discovering points in this house that are not satisfactory for us but, so far so good. We are adjusting and I'm sure in no time, we'll learn to appreciate it more.

I thank everybody who supported me in prayer when we moved here. It's such a blessing to have family and friends who will back you up in every endeavor you face.

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